Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Next Best Thing (2000) -

The Next Best Thing (2000)

The Next Best Thing
Genre: Comedy, Drama

Director: John Schlesinger

IMDB rating 4.70 / 10

The Next Best Thing - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb)

Related tags: aids, amusement park, booger, cardiologist, child, child custody, divorce, family life, female nudity, friendship, funeral, gardener, gay interest, gay parent, gay slur, homosexual, investment banker, jealousy, judge, lawyer, los angeles california, love triangle, loveless relationship, pregnancy, record producer, single mother, yoga

Taglines: Best friends make the best mistakes.He was smart, handsome and single. When her biological clock was running out, he was... the next best thing.
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Plot: A comedy-drama about best friends - one a straight woman, Abbie (Madonna), the other a gay man, Robert (Rupert Everett) - who decide to have a child together. Five years later, Abbie falls in love with a straight man and wants to move away with her and Robert's little boy Sam, and a nasty custody battle ensues.

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